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• Sometime within the next 12 hours you’ll receive an email from me (amanda@hopeforbpd.com) confirming your subscription.
(If you have a Gmail account, please remember to check your other folders for an email.)
• If you do not hear from me within 12 hours, please email me at amanda@hopeforbpd.com or call/text me at 941 704 4328. Every once in awhile, notifications from PayPal go missing. Don't worry; you’ve done nothing wrong!
• As a thank you for subscribing, I'd love to send you a copy of The BPD Wellness Planner for Families. Please do send me your mailing address.
• Expect to receive an email from me each Monday morning.
• Join our Ask Amanda Anything calls. I’m here to answer your questions and get you the resources you need.
Let me know what you think. I'm always here to help.
Mindfully yours, Amanda